Marleen Geyen
2 min readMar 16, 2021



What a title. When I was asked to consider positive social triggers I thought WHAT? In the year of virus/unrest/unemployment where do I come up with something that is positive and social and a story anyone cares about.

And then I met this person. Her name is Jill. Jill organizes a bunch of stuff but mostly is a professional at holding the apartment building where my Mom lives at together. She figuratively and emotionally and socially and just all around keeps the lives of the apartment dwellers happy, healthy and satisfied.

So where do positive social triggers fit? During a time when I could not be with my mom face to face but only through the glass of a large multi pane window or on a zoom call I continually worried about her emotional wellness. And by the way what are positive social triggers? I dug a little into some research papers and found at a few triggers.



Other Peoples Habits





I guessed that positive social triggers cause desired and good change, the hint was in the word positive, anyway I began to pay attention to Jill’s voice either from email or when I called her to ask a question. She was and still is today always willing to share her insights, which are consistently accurate, kind and generous. No whitewashing the truth but keeping in mind her responsibility to staff and the families of the apartment residents. This is where authority and consistency showed up in Jill’s leadership style.

Jill’s other tributes of positive social triggers I found out from my mom. Mom told me that Jill paid attention to her and other residents every day by either saying hi, how are you in the hall or would stop in to see mom in her apartment. This is no dark and dreary assisted living place where no one wants to visit, no these halls are intentionally bright and friendly, the massive fireplace burns hot and the smells from the dining room are delightful. It’s a marvelous home address for more than a few people.

All this observation leads me to believe that a personcan be a positive social trigger. I don’t know how accurate that is but since meeting Jill and observing her undivided attention to the work she does, I believe she, her very humanness has been a huge positive social trigger this past year in the lives of her staff and the very people they serve in the assisted living apartments.

Back to the title: POSITIVE SOCIAL TRIGGERS what are they, I would surmise these triggers are actions , ways of being AND showing up in our daily work and life in a way that is supportive, nurturing and generous.



Marleen Geyen

The best part of me shows up in my writing about business ownership, leadership, family, personal relationships, travel and what I learn from human interaction.